Category: Web Design

Are you still annoying your customers with a non-responsive website?

Long gone are the days where users should have to pinch and zoom through your website on a smaller screen than a desktop computer. If…

Web Design, May 17th, 2016
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Safety First: How Secure Is Your WordPress Site?

As the most popular content management system on the internet, WordPress sites are favorable targets among hackers. WordPress recently rolled out additional security to help address…

Web Design, April 25th, 2016
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BMD Sportin' a New Look—Responsive Design

We are excited to announce that, after a few weeks of testing, We’ve launched our new responsive website design—which now offers optimal viewing experience across multiple web devices…

Graphic Design, Web Design, May 16th, 2013
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Saying "Buh-Bye" to IE7

In order to focus our energy on new functionalities and features, We are following the lead of tech trend-setters Google and Facebook and dropping cross…

Web Design, April 18th, 2013
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Steps to creating a website

Below is some information about our website process. The steps to creating a website are equally important and necessary in building a successful product.

Web Design, November 5th, 2012
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How designers and developers can join forces to get the job done

Whether you are a freelancer or full time employee, you may be asked to play the role of both web designer and developer for some…

Web Design, October 10th, 2012
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